testimonials & info

Life Review* typically is an individualized process.  It is custom tailored to each individual's preferences and may be brief or lengthier.  Many final forms are available, including written, audio (tape), or video (via digital form (DVD)).  Photographs may be added to all print and video formats.   Favorite music, colors, or themes may be added as appropriate to each format.  Basically anything you desire that helps tell "your story" may be included in a Life Review. 
Remember....There is only one you.
Guided Autobiography* or "GAB"  courses are held in a group setting for ten sessions. The focus of each session is on familiar life themes.  Participants are asked to write on one theme per week - just 2 pages - and then share all or excerpts from their writing in a small group setting the following week.  This process offers a very comprehensive, reflective overview of your own life, while you simultaneously learn from your fellow classmates' perceptions and experiences.  At the end of the course, you will have ten chapters of an autobiographical summary to pass along, or to place in your "treasure box" - a legacy of your life. 
About the instructor:

Lori Jurgiel is certified by the Birren Center to teach Guided Autobiography.  She also is certified to offer Life Reviews, has attended numerous seminars on the subject, and is a member of the Association of Personal Historians.  Lori's MA in Gerontology gives her a unique perspective in not only guiding participants but also offers instruction to professionals involved with seniors.  

More information about the Birren Center & Guided Autobiography may be found at this website: https://thebirrencenter.org  

Another article about Life Review:  https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/29/well/mind/life-review-therapy.html

Article about LEGACY value:  see my facebook page for this article at Lori Jurgiel - Personal Historian.  Another 2022 article:  https://www.lssliving.org/news/resources/helping-write-a-legacy/

Lori continued to work throughout the Covid pandemic.  Her achievements include 6 published book volumes, legacy pieces, videos, and smaller projects over the last 3 years.  Lori is looking forward to teaching soon and seeing more people in person.  

More information may be found on the calendar page for "open" classes.

Have you ever thought:
"I wish I had asked her about..."  or  "I wonder what life was like for him as a boy?"

If you've ever asked these questions, or heard someone else wistfully ask them, why not take advantage of these two means to capture your life story?"  Give an invaluable gift to yourself, your family members and friends through completing a Guided Autobiography class or doing a Life Review culminating in documenting your story. 
*Accommodations and modifications are available within both formats described above.

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